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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at Noon  CBS  December 4, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PST

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ral fire stations >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. good afternoon, i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. today several fire stations may get the axe in the east bay. >> contra costa county's board of supervisors will vote on closures in just a few hour. cbs 5 reporter cate caugiran is at one station where they explain why the closures may be necessary. >> reporter: it would involve four station in contra costa county including 12 i martinez. the district says that's their only options. neighbors say it can't be true. >> i think it's shame. i live in this community and this neighborhood. i have always safe and secure. >> it makes me scared of what could potentially happen if it takes an extra five minutes for a different firehouse to come down. >> reporter: their fear not enough to make change. the reality, contra costa
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county couldn't get enough votes. the county's fire protection district's funding measure, measure q, failed to pass the november ballot. now four stations are on the chopping block. >> the decision to close a fire station is not easy. there is no perfect modem. we don't go to school to learn how to close fire stations. >> reporter: the fire protection district covers 300 square miles serving 600,000 neighbors. leaders say industry standards require at least 600 firefighters on staff based off the area they cover. but right now they are operating at 250. >> this organization throughout not only in emergency response and fire prevention and support services is bare bones. it's one of the most thinly staffed metropolitan fire districts in california. >> reporter: the closures would take effect in january including walnut creek, martinez, lafayette and clayton. the city's only fire station. he says all cities went
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district would be impacted. >> once we start taking any of those stations out of service, then having 10 units at a fire is going to have a bigger impact come january than it would now if we had all of our companies in service. >> reporter: not to mention the closures would come during the holidays when districts see an increase in chimney and house fires. as for the board's take on this, i spoke with supervisor karen mitchoff on the phone a few moments ago and they are going to consider all options, she says, including reserved firefighters, trained volunteers. they are also looking at what calls they would go on. live in martinez, cate caugiran, cbs 5. and on the bay area watch on this tuesday, firefighters battled a massive foust hire in petaluma. check it out. it happened this morning, crews were called out just after 3:30 this morning to stadler lane.
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flames completely gutted the home. officials say the home is occupied but no one was home at the time. the excuse under investigation. officials -- the cause is under investigation. officials don't believe it's suspicious. contra costa community college district officer was hit by a small metallic object yesterday. he was taken to the hospital but returned to campus to investigate. police say they believe the incident was a targeted attack. a massive pot bust at a home in east san jose early this morning. authorities are calling it an elaborate grow house after discovering about 300 pot plants inside. cbs 5 reporter elissa harrington has the story. >> reporter: this might look like any average run of the milhous but inside, police found hundreds of marijuana plants in one of the most elaborate grows they have ever seen. >> wow, i'm surprised. i'm surprised that that's what they were at the house for. >> reporter: san jose's sandalwood court is one of those neighborhoods where everyone knows each other. but residents i talked to didn't know much about the
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people who lived here. >> they weren't very friendly. so we had suspected something. >> just two guys hi and by all the time. >> reporter: they didn't live there. this house was used for one thing only, to grow pot. police discovered what they believe to be an illegal grow around 3 a.m. when responding to a burglary call. when officers arrived they didn't find any burglars but found inside roughly 300 marijuana plants. >> you had lighting equipment in the individual rooms. you had wiring throughout. you had fertilizer, you know, just the typical items would you use to grow marijuana. >> reporter: the street value of the plants around $125,000. >> somebody who was operating this home was -- knew what they were doing. >> reporter: police will now search county records to find out who owns the house and if the suspects were renting. they face felony charges. in san jose, elissa harrington, cbs 5. the father of oakland
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raiders head coach dennis allen has died. allen had been away from the team since sunday to be with his father in the dallas area. we are told 66-year-old grady allen died last night from heart complications. he was a linebacker for the falcons from 1968 to 1972. dennis allen does plan though to return to oakland to coach thursday's home game against the denver broncos. activists on both side of the gay marriage issue on california are learning to be patient. it turns out a prop 8 appeal will be on the u.s. supreme court justices' agenda again this friday. but it doesn't mean they will act on it. the court has no deadline for acting on cases. the court made the announcement this morning saying several gay marriage appeals are still on the table. friday is the fourth time that prop 8 and other cases concerning the "defense of marriage act" will be on the justices' agenda. we should know by friday afternoon or next monday morning if the judges issue an order this time. a federal judge is blocking the state from enforcing its
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gay therapy law set to go into effect on january 1. the law bars licensed counselors from working to change the sexual orientation of gay minors. the judge ruled that the rights of the therapist outweigh concerns that the practice poses a danger to young people. however, the temporary block only applies to a handful of therapists who have already sued to overturn the ban. and expect to see nudity on the steps of san francisco city hall again today. the board of supervisors will give final approval to a citywide ban on nudity this afternoon. opponents stripped down inside the hearing last month when the ordinance was initially approved. the new code would keep people from being naked on city streets, plazas, sidewalks and other public spaces without exceptions permitted for parades, fairs or festivals. right now one lane of highway 1 near devil's slide is closed in san mateo county. caltrans is working to stabilize the road after rain over the weekend. the goal is to prevent further
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erosion before new storms arrive. one-way traffic controls are in effect between linda mar boulevard and the north portal area at devil's slide. two-way road should open about 3:00. a transformer blew at the van ness station at 5:45 freezing the system yesterday leaving the muni system paralyzed. crews fixed it overnight. normal service resumed about 5 a.m. new developments in the controversy surrounding alameda county's drone program. the board of supervisors chose not to review a budget proposal for the unmanned drones at their meeting this afternoon. earlier today civil rights advocates said they planned to release evidence that shows plans for a surveillance drone in alameda county. the aclu says the sheriff's office plans to use the drone for surveillance and intelligence gathering,
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contradicting earlier claims it would only be used for search- and-rescue operations. coming up, if the feds can't reach an agreement, maybe the states can help. >> i'm danielle nottingham in washington. coming up, president obama consults a group of the nation's governors on the "fiscal cliff." >> and well wishes are pouring in for will and kate as brits make bets on whether it will be a boy, girl, twins or triplets. hi, i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow live at the whole foods market in cupertino. if you have been looking for a way to help people for the holidays, we have a great idea for you plus we'll talk about that rain coming back all that in just a few minutes. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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typhoon in the philippines.
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33 villagers wer at least 74 people are dead or missing following a powerful typhoon in the philippines. >> 33 villagers all swept way after a massive wave hit their emergency shelter there. the storm brought in 160-mile- per-hour winds ashore toppling trees and causing widespread power outages. syrian violence is deadly for schoolchildren. state media reports 29 students and a teacher were killed when a mortar slammed into their school outside damascus. the report blames terrorists a term the government uses for rebels. this is live look right now outside the presidential palace in cairo, egypt. this is where roughly 100,000 protestors have gathered in the streets. demonstrations have started to turn violent and police are using tear gas to stop people in closing in on the palace. protestors are upset over president mohammed morsi's decision last month to give himself unrestricted powers. a u.s. navy spokesman says no american drones are missing
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despite claims by iran that it captured one. a commander says all of the unmanned surveillance aircraft in that region are accounted for. other nations in the gulf including the united arab emirates have drones in service. president obama got input today from governors on how to resolve the budget standoff in washington. state governments of course would feel the pinch of automatic spending cuts kicking in at the end of the year but as danielle nottingham tells us, there's still a disagreement over how to avert the "fiscal cliff." >> reporter: three republican and three democratic governors gate the president their take on how to avoid the "fiscal cliff" this morning at the white house. >> we're not sort of saying it should be that plan or that plan. i think what we all agree on is something has to get done. >> as governors we think it's important that we're part of the discussions both in terms of the impact it has on our finances and our economies. >> reporter: state government cost lose much-needed federal aid if democrats and republicans don't reach a deal to stop automatic spending cuts
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before the end of the year. the other issue is taxes. congressional republicans want bush-era tax cuts extended for all americans. president obama says those tax cuts must expire for households making $250,000 or more. >> it's a position that is supported by a majority of the american people. and, you know, we need to see from republicans an acknowledgement of that. >> reporter: the gop proposal that the white house quickly rejected closes tax loopholes and reduces deductions to raise 800 billion-dollar in new revenue. the plan cuts $600 billion in healthcare entitlement programs. >> we are overspending and until you deal with that issue you cannot raise taxes enough to be able to keep one a trillion dollars of accelerate spending. >> reporter: republicans dismissed the president's plan late last week. but now that both sides have numbers on the table, some congressional watchers believe those outlines may eventually help them find common ground.
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in washington, danielle nottingham cbs 5. are you ready for more rain? >> i don't know. >> well -- >> i guess we need to be. >> another storm heading our way. coming up, lawrence tracks when it will get here with hi-def doppler. igh-def doppler.. plus.. forget your library fines.. if you've got a late book.. you can pay off yourt another way! we'll tell yo next. ============b r e a k ============== forget your library fines? if you have late book you can pay off your debt another way. we'll tell you how coming up. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[ male announcer ] december is customer appreciation month at subway restaurants. saying thanks is a great deal because we're offering $2 six inch subs -- the cold cut combo or meatball marinara. $2 each, all december long. appreciation tastes amazing! hurry in for your $2 sub. subway. eat fresh.
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county now have a way out. food.. you can have your fees waivn exchange for donating non- folks facing fines for late library books in san mateo county have a way out. food. you can have your fees waived in exchange for donating perishable or boxed food. everything goes to the second harvest food bank. you can donate even if you don't owe any fees. >> i think that's great idea. >> good segue into where lawrence is. >> lawrence is at whole foods in cupertino collecting "food for bay area families." doing a good thing out there, lawrence. >> reporter: yeah, guys. i have been doing this for a number of years and always it's a great time to come out here. we're at the whole foods in cupertino. and we're here for "food for bay area families." i got to introduce you to some great folks. we have people from the second harvest food bank and another
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representative of synopsis. can you hold that up? very good! tell us how much it is and how excited you got to be to make a donation this year. >> it's $25,000. we're really excited. >> $25,000! [ applause ] >> very nice, very, very nice! >> very good. you have to be excited to help out. >> very, very excited. we have been working with second harvest for over 15 years and last year our employees donated over $30,000 on top of what is done here. so very excited. >> fantastic. cathy of the second harvest food bank you have to be loving seeing these checks coming. >> we do. and i want to thank synopsys who is a great partner. this $25,000 will help us provide 50,000 meals to our neighbors in need. so it's really great. thank you. >> fantastic. merry christmas to you all. also, i have to introduce you to somebody else here. yes, chanel is here from whole foods market and you have a great idea on people if they
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want to be able to help out what can they do? >> they can participate in our "grab and give" program and make a donation for a meal of four at any register at any whole foods market store if the greater bay area. >> it's simple. instead of having to worry about what you want to get, you've put it together and they can grab it -- >> it's $5 for breakfast, $10 for lunch or dinner. $25 for a whole day of meals. >> that's great. thank you all very much for coming down and enjoying us today. it's a great time to be down here. we have to talk about the bring. the break if the stormy weather is changing. the clouds are pouring into the skies. rain is on the way. light showers to start out the day most of it north of the golden gate bridge . it will take time before it moves through the bay area. with the cloud outside the temperatures aren't too bad 50s out the door.
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but it looks like as we head toward the afternoon a lot of 60s going to be popping up. but indeed, we are going to see that chance of rain developing as we head in toward the latter part of the day. and then it looks like overnight tonight, the clouds will really start to gather. that cold front is going to sweep in. and we are going to see moderate to heavier amounts of rainfall overnight starting out in the north bay and spreading to the south throughout the night. so with that in mind, things changing again. a brief break in the stormy weather as high pressure builds in but a lot of clouds across the ridge and, of course, we have already seen rain already. but more rain is on the way. and it will be heavy at times. in fact, it looks like we are going to see some of that rain intensifying late tonight as that cold front sweeps in. that rain could make a mess for the commute early on tomorrow morning. in fact, some moderate to heavy amounts of rainfall popping up as we head in toward the commute. so with that in mind, enjoy the day today. in the south bay it's going to stay dry all day long. a lot of clouds out here but no rain to worry about. into the east bay we are going
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to see those temperatures running up into the 60s and plenty of clouds should stay dry. showers outside, looks like temperatures in the cool 60s. so as we look out over the next five to seven days, we are going to see those clouds gathering again for tonight. some rain expected overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. i think by afternoon, we drive drive things out just a little bit but then it looks like better weather ahead thursday and friday. lots of sunshine coming our way. looks like we'll stay dry right through the weekend. but again, guys, if you are looking for a way to help out, "food for bay area families" you can go to your website,, log on there click on the "food for bay area families" link and you can help out there. that's the latest from cupertino. having a great time here, guys. back to you. >> lawrence, we have a question for you. >> yes, sir just a minute we want to know why you have your jacket on. >> because i am expecting the rain. i'm always prepared. [ laughter ] >> you are prepared.
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all right. lawrence, thank you. the bets are beginning in britain as world watches for its first glimpse of a pregnant duchess of cambridge. >> yes. she is still in a private london hospital this morning suffering from severe morning sickness. monica is with the gauntlet of world media outside waiting for kate's release. >> reporter: prince william was back on hospital duty this morning after spending a late- night at his wife's bedside. the father-to-be is keeping an eye on kate. doctors treat the duchess for severe morning sickness. >> i hope she's okay. i think it's i don't know a lovely couple. i think it's great news. >> reporter: while kate recovers, there's growing speculation about the future heir to the throne. will it be a boy or girl? >> i think probably a girl. i think we need another queen in the succession. >> reporter: some even wonder if kate's expecting twins. >> anything is good as long as they are healthy. >> reporter: the duchess is not
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yet 12 weeks pregnant. betting shops in britain are already taking wagers on baby names. >> they are traditional so if you look at the betting that's george, victoria, elizabeth. >> reporter: outside the hospital reporters from all around the world are camped out. they are waiting to get the first shot of catherine since the pregnancy was announceed. >> it was kept quiet. it wasn't known in buckingham palace, downing street until hours even minutes before it was announced to the world. >> reporter: kate was last seen publicly four days ago playing field hockey in heels at an event at her former school. ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: the duchess may need to spend several days at the hospital. doctors are still getting fluids into her system. they say her extreme nausea is treatable but for some expectant mothers, it can last until the baby is born. in london, cbs 5. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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couples trying to have chil. the technique developed rigt here in the bay area that's boosting in vitro fertilizan in at 5:00 new hope tore couples trying to have -- for couples trying to have children. how the new system works in healthwatch. who is cashing in on the royal pregnancy? betting shops. there's a range of possible wagers like will, kate have twins. triplets. more, quadruplets. that pays out 500:1. >> might want to put a buck on that. >> how big, the name. >> left-handed, right-handed. >> i got $100 on that. >> i like the strange ones though. >> have a good day. captions by: caption colorado ,,,,
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♪ [ male announcer ] introducing a brand new
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>> caroline: wow. >> rick: mm-hmm. >> caroline: (giggles) >> rick: that's a good way to break in the day. >> caroline: (chuckles) you think?


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